Hollywood Hot Spot BEAUTY / HAIR
Alba at Solon on 7, congratulates FIDM (Fashion Institute of
Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles) on hosting Project Runway.
To celebrate, for the month of September and October, Alba offers
15 percent off, discount to all FIDM students!
Hair by Alba. Celebrity hair stylist Alba at Salon on Seventh is L.A's master
stylist to the stars and elite upscale clientele for styling,
cutting, highlighting, and color correction. Alba begins with a
head, scalp and neck deep tissue massage that is out of this
world for VIP clients that will make you never want to leave.
Walk out feeling and looking like a brighter and better human
being. In salon or will travel to home of the stars. Mention The
Hollywood Sentinel for VIP service. Alba at Salon on 7th, 429
West 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90014, Tel 323 - 855 -
School of the Art Institute trained fine artist will do
commission work, portraiture, mural, children, landscape, and
more, for elite or celebrity clients. See selected paintings
here.Contact manager at 310-226-7176.
Will do research and create script to your specifications.
Specializing in supernatural, horror, ghost story, historical,
other. Reasonable non union rate until your script is sold
against WGA minimum. Contact Winter Laake through manager at
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those in the know are talking about, and expand your network and
business instantly, for free. To receive, send request on the
front page comment box of The Hollywood Sentinel.com, with your
contact info. And job title, and ask for The Hollywood Sentinel
Network List, E-mailed monthly, not found any where else!
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